Sunday, May 12, 2024

Transition Complete?

Got to pose the question: Did the transition from Ice Age Neanderthal to functioning 21st Century citizen occur?

Let’s review the journey starting in the middle of a cold January.  I figured out how to use electronic mail efficiently, versus sending out smoke signals or carrier pigeons, so that’s a win.

February chills brought navigating the Internet safely and the use of Internet protocols enabling delivery of vittles and streaming video to the cave, another win.

March madness, I mastered the “Word” application saving my thumbs and back, sooo I’d say "Win!!!"

April showers kept me indoors as I struggled using spreadsheets and spill functions (Excel) and painted with digital ink (PowerPoint).  Though my brain hurt after these forays, I consider this another win.

Tally the months up, and it’s four wins…so maybe not a fully functioning 21st century citizen but in no ways an Ice Age Neanderthal, possibly a Cro Magnon?


  1. I loved your Neanderthal journey to become a functioning 21st century citizen. I hope the best for your future.

  2. Hey Don, good job on your post. I see what you did with the timeline of your story. Good luck on your future choices!

  3. Don, as your classmate I'm happy for you to see what you've accomplished in this class, and I wish you the best throughout your college endeavors!

  4. Woah hoo! This is like a summary of whole semester. And YOU DID IT. Thumbs up..

  5. I think after this class, we all became slightly better functioning citizens in the 21st century. We should be proud. Also, the comment about sending out smoke signals dang near made me fall out of my chair. Good luck!

  6. What a journey! From mastering email in January to safely navigating the Internet and enjoying online deliveries in February, you've had impressive wins. March saw you mastering "Word," and despite April's challenges with spreadsheets and PowerPoint, you came out on top. Four wins tallied—you're well on your way to being a fully functioning 21st-century citizen. Great job! Best,
