Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Kiddos, Dino and Spill Functions

As the days get longer so does the task list. Check the hunting grounds, figure out the planting schedule, repair the damage from the winter weather and then into the harvest schedule, followed by the food preservation timetable.

I set out to make lists with dates and organize them with dates and people I’ll need to help me. I grab anything I can write on, and after a while the floor of the cave looks like a mess of scraps of hides, clay tablets and pieces of bark.

I take a short break then start organizing them into piles into various categories. A few hours later, I have neat piles. Agriculture, hunting, repairs and then food preservation and I feel great since the entire year is planned. Then disaster strikes as the “kiddo Neanderthals” playing with “Dino” come careening through the cave and my nice, neat organization explodes in a hail of bark, hide and clay confetti. Uggh! Back to square one.

In the 21st century, the kids and dogs would not have destroyed my neat piles since I could use Excel to build spreadsheets/workbooks with all the tasks, organized into categories, due dates and then using Spill functions to sort them any way I wanted. Now, I could have a master list of all the tasks sorted by the due dates from Spring through Winter. I could sorted them further if I just wanted the planting dates or when I needed to see hunting grounds date and adjust them if they conflicted. The power of technology.

As the bark, hide and clay confetti settled around him and Don Smilo fumed at the kiddos and Dino, I wonder if he ever thought of the future concept of electronic spreadsheets.


  1. With Excel and its spill functions, organizing tasks, due dates, and categories become efficient and customizable. Don Smilo might not have imagined it amidst the bark and clay confetti, but electronic spreadsheets would definitely have been a game-changer for his organizational woes :).

  2. Your post about organizing tasks resonates with the struggle of keeping order amidst chaos. The imagery of hides, clay tablets, and bark scraps strewn across the cave floor paints a vivid picture of the challenge. It's fascinating how technology has evolved to simplify our lives. From Excel spreadsheets to electronic organization, we've come a long way from sorting through physical scraps. Your reflections offer a glimpse into the intersection of past and present, highlighting the power of innovation in navigating life's challenges.

  3. Hi Don, with your 21st excel skills, everything will be easy on your organizing and sorting list.
